Monday, August 15, 2011

So long España!

Sadly, so long España. I’ve had the time of my life and I will see you in 2 years- you best believe I’ll be back.

In this last week I’ve won some and lost some, learned some and forgot some, and added everything to my mental scrapbook. The moment has finally come where I’ve had to say goodbye and head back to reality. July 31st, you arrived faster than I imagined and I’m not sure I’m exactly okay with that. I sadly had to say goodbye to my beautiful, encouraging, and loving house mom, to all of my new acquired classmates, acquaintances, friends, good friends, to my favorite place outside of the United States, and to the traditions, style, and food that will be no more in America. Not ready at all either to endure this 10 hour plane ride back home but this is the only way to get back to my family so here goes nothing- guess it just means I have more time to blog and whatnot.

As you already know, I took my first final on Friday and then second on Monday. Straight DOMINATED the exam and ACED the class with a 4.0 baby!! ;) I have to admit I’m extremely excited because not only is that going to boost my GPA tremendously but think about how good that is going to look on any job application or scholarship application for Spanish- making a 4.0 in a foreign country speaking a foreign language, YESSS. So happy. Monday night I went out with all of our tutors and of course my P.I.C. (partner in club) Caroline to Calle Betis and then to Balindo to dance the night away along with Samuel, Trace, Mateo, Benjamin, Chad, Luca, Kate, and many more! Had a great time ALLLL night, especially with Irene and Javi- our favorite boy and girl tutors- and even danced it up with moto man- another one of our tutors that obviously owns a moto-hence the nickname- even rode that baby with moto man out of Calle Betis. 
Checked that last thing off my list. We all had a late night and an early morning considering we had to be on the bus, with ALL of our luggage by 6:30 that morning- too bad we didn’t even leave until 7 because our head director got stuck in her apartment’s elevator- COOL- haha actually it’s pretty funny because she always tells us to not be late or we get left, and this time she was the one that almost got left. 

Off to Toledo we went- all 40 something of us- and took plenty of baby naps on the bus between touristic places we stopped at to see. Out of this whole trip- Toledo definitely wins the nicest hotel award- FREE INTERNET, niceeee comfy beds and blankets, AC, and free breakfast. Went to a couple more cathedrals – put a couple more offerings for my Grandma Dee and Uncle Brian- and had the chance to see the GRECO museum. Picked up some goodies for my brothers Teej and Johnny boy and saved the rest of that money for Madrid. My absolute favorite part about Toledo was by far the night skyline. If you like nature, and just sitting outside and enjoying the little beautiful things around you, even the stars- which were amazing btw- then this would have been perfect for you. I think I probably sat outside just enjoying the lights and view for 3 hours. BEYOND AMAZING. If that doesn’t make you appreciate the little things in life as well then I don't know what does. Off to sleep, we all woke up for another long trip to Madrid on the bus that next day. It’s funny to me how we pay so much for these “expensive” hotels and then when you actually get to the hotel with the class, there is no free Internet, NO AC, terrible service, and on and on. 

Explored the city of Madrid again fortunately and even got a free dinner provided by the school at a nice restaurant BUT Lagos’ free school provided dinner was the all time best free dinner I’ve ever had- TRUMPS Madrid. After dinner it was of course out because hey after all this was our LAST week in Spain, so we just had to make the most of it.  

That next morning we were off on another excursion to a smaller city about 15 minutes from Segovia with the Alcazar del verano and then headed to Segovia after the Alcazar visit. In that smaller city, we toured the Alcazar del verano and by far that was my favorite “Palace” of any queen or king so far. It actually looked like a palace I would imagine kings and queens living in- not just stone concrete rocks everywhere.  And in Segovia, the aqueduct that was free standing without any kind of concrete paste was a sight to see, the lunch at a small little place was not bad to go along with it as well but the after math of Caroline’s paella was not too pretty considering she got food poisoning from it the next day - that was terrible.  Off to the castle that Walt Disney was inspired by we went, and the view from the top was gorgeous.  To conclude the day, we took a 2ish or so hour drive back to the hotel and headed out for the night. 

With the regulars, we went to a small little disco that became the place to be the next few nights. Even ran into one of the pub-crawl guys that Candra and I met on day 3 of this whole experience- small world. Danced- or should I say SHUFFLED- the night away with C-line and headed to bed after a long night.  Planned on walking the streets and seeing a few sights the next day but decided to take the day easy after the food poisoning came in strong for Caroline. 2 days left til the U.S., I sadly took in every last moment and experience in Spain that I could. Saturday came around and a lot of walking around the city I did. Took the metro to the modern art museum, which was extremely weird, but at the same time cool and ended the night with a nice dinner. 
Sunday was the day to leave so Saturday night I decided to stay up ALLLLL NIGHT LONG- or at least that was my plan- so that when I didn’t sleep on the airplane, I would get home and be extremely exhausted to the point where I would just pass out and sleep so good and get on schedule. I ended up falling asleep for one hour after watching 2 movies but woke up just in time to eat a nice breakfast and catch the cab to the airport- SAD.

With my 60-pound duffle bag on my back, my full to the max with schoolwork and clothes backpack on the front and my 50 pound suitcase, I dragged myself through the airport to American airlines check in and received my ticket to America. I used some of the skills I’ve learned growing up with a pops like mine and bargained with the flight lady to not charge me 60 bucks because my luggage was 2 pounds over. SCORE. Walked over 20 minutes through the MAD airport and finally arrived at the right gate- after getting lost a time or two- and boarded the plane – which I now have been sitting on for 4 hours or so- to take me back home.

One hell of an experience and a memory that will last forever, I have left Spain but will never forget it. I am filled with a million emotions  along with the lessons and grace learned over the last 7 weeks that has by far enhanced me as a person and opened my eyes more than I could have ever imagined. I couldn’t be more thankful, as I am beyond grateful to everyone and everything that made this possible. And when I arrive in America, I will be sure to let the people closest to me know how much I love them.

Standing in the inspiring vision of my future, 
I boldly take every step - large and small - with courage and intent.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie



Happiness depends upon ourselves. –Aristotle

To sit and think of all the thoughts this one sentence brings is astonishing. To sit for hours and look at the stars is relaxing. To take in the smell of nature because you’re in it for so long is memorable. Music is my soul. My heart longs to care too much. Why do the people you thought you loved the most in life always end up hurting you? Is it because you saw all the signs before, just chose to ignore them until you were finally hurt and chose to wake up? Is it because it’s easy to always give too much when you never expect anything in return? Is it because money and materialistic items don’t matter to you? Is it because it’s the little things in life like giving that mean so much more to you than the way the world tells you to be or what you need, or what you should and shouldn’t have to make you happy? Is it because you have the simple gesture of consideration for other people always because it’s always been that way your entire life? Is it because you never have to think about being considerate, you just do it automatically? Or is it because you never expect other people to owe you, because a dollar is just a dollar? Is it because you’re strong enough to hold yourself so others that have a hard time holding themselves, and being secure with their life flock to you because they know they can feel secure with you, because they know they’ll get that feeling from you? Is it because they make you their rock instead of their pebble? Does it depend on where you come from?

There’s a million whys as to why people do the things they do and change who they are, or whom you thought they once were; there’s a million what ifs, along with a million hopes and hoping. How does that change for in the future? Do you learn to realize the signs in the beginning or do you continue to pretend they don’t exist. What happens when you know something is not what you thought it once was? How do you heal your heart from that? Do you get up, pick up your stuff, and move on? Or do you forgive that person for the hurt to your heart when you know they might not get it, or might not understand why, because they don’t exactly understand how they’re hurting you. And when you forgive that person that you know you will continue to be disrespected and mistreated by unnoticed, with this sense of ignorance and stagnant between one another, do you just continue on with your life knowing you forgave that person, or do you sit there in sadness because your heart still feels for them. If you’re done pretending, there’s no reason to conform to their style to try and help the situation right? If you’re done pretending, there’s no reason to go out of your way to make them feel better about the situation between one another right? Because you sat there waiting for them to see for so long but the truth is will they see? And if so, when? So then do you write your feelings because you don’t want to create what is unnecessary or do you say something? When is it the right time to keep others’ cares in mind verses defending yourself or holding your own heart first for once? When do you be there to help other people when you have to be there for yourself first? Why does life consist of hardships? Because it’s life- I can tell you that one. Why when you don’t want to care, why does it follow you? Why does it take over your every thought and motion? And when you get away from it, how does it always end up coming back somehow? What’s the right thing to do, right way to handle it, right way to go about the situation? Do you write a letter to that person wishing it was different or that it never had to be this way? Or do you talk to them in person again so that you can break down and cry? Or do you just let it be and go your separate ways ending a friendship like that? But if you choose the third option, it will continue to lie at the back of your mind. So then, what’s the right way?

The right way is this: you put all emotion aside, leave all pride behind, take away all ignorance and no matter if they accept it or not, choose to be sorry and change too; you tell that person what your heart has in mind. Its not one of those things you can plan, or know what to say, Its one of those things that you just step aside from yourself and let the beauty within you and God speak through you. Because you have a heart, because you know your priorities, because you have your foundation, you say sorry. Ask for forgiveness, for all that you know and don’t know you’ve done towards that person. Because you don’t have double standards, you do what is right and that’s all that matters. Because you are loved, you love, and because you love yourself, it doesn’t matter if you may not have completely been in the wrong, just speak- because happiness depends upon ourselves.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

And it's times like these.

And it’s times like these that you don’t ever want to miss, or yet let go of. Can’t believe I'm leaving Spain in exactly 1 week from today. I know I constantly talk about it, or at least I feel like I do, but I seriously cannot believe I'm leaving in ONE week! I am SO sad. It’s a bittersweet feeling because I can’t wait to give my family the BIGGEST hugs ever but at the same time I don’t want to leave yet. I just keep thinking have I really almost been here for 7 weeks already? While it seems like such a long time, really it’s not long at all.

The people you meet, the memories you store along with make, and the lessons you learn both good and bad that help SHAPE you as a person are all such a blessing. I could not be more thankful for everything I have received out of this expensive trip of a study abroad, because it has all been so worth it. I cannot tell you how much my eyes have been opened either to EVERYTHING since I’ve been here. How I’m still so AMAZED. How there are so many people like you and me exactly the same just on a different part of the world, with a few different cultural customs, and a different style of dress! Its funny how we think just because someone lives on the opposite side of the world how they’re gonna be so different or alien like to us. If you always have a CLOSED mind about everything then yes, they may seem so different to you, but if you actually enjoy new things and see life with an open adventurous mind, you’ll figure out real quick we’re all just people, living in different locations, on this small world of ours.
Tomorrow is my last day in Sevilla, Spain. 

We took our final exam- part 1- on Friday and tomorrow we have the second part of our exam- listening and speech- to finish off the course before a day in Toledo and 3 days in Madrid. There’s that lucky number 3 again. Hopefully our test grades from Friday are decent, after all I would really like to make an A in this course- who wouldn’t- to be beneficial to my GPA; so we shall see. Not exactly too worried about tomorrow because at this point it is what it is and there’s no point in stressing yourself out over something you have no control of anymore.


What you have missed out on is this last weekend and Lagos- which I guess I could inform you about. Lagos, Portugal was UNREAL. Like I said before, it was many students favorite part- definitely held up to its standards. 2 nights in a 4 star hotel with legit breakfast and all expenses included except for going out couldn’t have been better. 

I chilled on the beach for 2 days straight to soak up the color I had been lacking while many others did their own thing as well. I had the chance to see the caves of Lagos and actually go in them to get to the other beaches by the cliffs and oh, chill by Brad Pit and Angelina’s house too- yeah I chilled on the beach right below their house, tell me that’s not cool.  

Met beyond enough Auzzies and English fellows and chicks and practiced my English probably for the first time in public since I've been out of the states all summer- that was slightly weird not gonna lie. Going from speaking Spanish every day in public to complete English was a curve ball- definitely felt stupid a couple times because it was automatic to ask for my basic necessities in Spanish haha, Lagos was crazy- we all made a pact that what happens in Lagos stays in Lagos. 

Although, I did cross off another accomplishment on my list of things to accomplish while in Spain- tan topless on the beach European style. It was an interesting experience but one that just had to be experienced in Spain- I mean after all you are only in Spain ONCE- or for right now at least- might as well live a little. On the way home from Lagos we stopped at the “end of the world” where Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand thought was the farthest piece of land and beyond that point there was no more- that you would just fall off the earth. Quite windy and chilly we climbed down the rocks to the edge of the cliffs just to see what it was all about. 

LIVED a little more and did a handstand on the side- just had to do something to remember- I'm sure a couple people thought I was crazy but to me I was just living without creating limits to my life. I don’t want to look back and ever say I didn’t try something or experience something because I was too scared or because I put limits onto what I thought I couldn’t do in my life. If you’ve never choose to live your life without creating limits on the things you think are impossible you should try it sometime- you’ll be amazed.

Not to switch subjects so fast but, this weekend is our last weekend in Sevilla and to me is super sad. Some people are beyond excited to leave this place and others like me just didn’t seem to get enough time here. Having a final Friday we decided to relax. Starting the weekend off right, we went out to Torre del Oro Friday night and then to Calle Betis for the festival, followed by of course a discoteca for the rest of the night. Sleeping in the next day- because it was the FIRST Saturday we’ve had off the whole time being here- we took advantage- or at least I did- and slept all day until it was time to go eat dinner for Candra’s REAL birthday DAY. After dinner we headed to our favorite ice cream shop- all natural homemade- got our picture on the wall and everything, and then to Calle Betis again to celebrate the rest of Candra’s “REAL” birthday. I would say it was one good night after hanging out with everyone and enjoying the rest of the night at another discoteca- my fav.

To end this fabulous last week here, I went to the pool for my first and last time at the hotel- received a nice slight butt sunburn because you know I’m all about trying new things and decided to be European for a day and pull my bathing suit a little up- COOL. I slept in Sunday again, got up and did a couple things, then got ready to go to church in Spain, the last thing to accomplish on my list- only to find out church started at either 8 or 9 pm instead of 7 like my house mom said, so all dressed and ready waiting at 6:30 I was just too early- at least I tried. Had an amazing heart to heart with my girl CTRU- Caroline- then headed back home to review some last minute vocabulary for my last part of the final tomorrow. I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE I’M ALMOST ABOUT TO LEAVE THIS WONDERFUL, MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE I LOVE SO SO MUCH. 

I'm still SO sad :( Only goes to show you how fast time really does fly and how we should cherish EVERY moment we get. My life is so blessed, everywhere I look I find another little something to be thankful for about myself and my family and the people that bring me up in my life instead of down, along with having the right foundation, and knowing my priorities, and where I stand, what matters and what doesn’t, and after this trip, a nice change of scenery will do me well- that’s for sure. It goes God FIRST, me SECOND, family THIRD, and everything else if it matters will fall into place- IF IT MATTERS. Mom and Dad, if you’re reading this, thank you more than you know for raising me right, that is one thing I cannot be more than grateful for in my entire life. So much of what you have taught me the RIGHT WAY is never seen in the world anymore and although sometimes I can feel like the only one who knows how to act, knows manners, chivalry, CONSIDERATION, and kindness because it comes from the heart, thank you for giving me that gift because it is SO great to me, even if I'm the only one standing- I’ll keep standing until the end.

To believe without seeing what tomorrow may bring is one of the hardest accomplishments to actually accomplish in life- its called Faith. To take the lessons people tell you, teach you, do around you, and show you from their actions of what you should and shouldn’t do and who you can choose to be and who not to be, comes from being open and actually taking those lessons in- whether given or not- and learning from them- its called Wisdom. And to care unconditionally over and over again no matter how many times someone has hurt you, continuing to LOVE because you have hope things will eventually change- its called having a HEART. But in time there comes a point when you take a step back and look at your life and all you have to offer, and the goodness within, and realize that for better or worse, its time to part from everything that brings you down and to just do you because all along that’s what you needed to do- no matter how hard it may have seemed then or how hard you thought it would be for other people you cared about so much or those who were just in your life because in the end none of that matters. Its just God, You, Family, and like I said IF IT MATTERS, all else will fall into place. Its not being blunt- its called being truthful because it is what it is.

"... Bad company corrupts good character." -1 Corinthians 15:33

America- I’ll see you in a week. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where to start.

Well where do you start when you’ve been swamped with school and exams for the past couple of weeks? Sad that I haven’t had any time whatsoever to blog which is unusual considering I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with it- for all of you followers I’ll try to do better at making more time for both! Instead of trying to explain every day that I have yet to write down, a good ‘ol Gullah of what’s been going on in my life in Spain over the last 2 and a half weeks or so seems like a better idea.

To start- there are far too many people I've met and memories I've made while being here to ever forget. Let it be, its beautiful that way- it's what I preach- if you consider that preaching- and this is most definitely a prime example of the beauty within it. When you let things be you not only experience yourself, you experience the blessings of each day because you become more aware of the apparent beauties. You realize what means the most, what you miss the most, how spoiled we are as Americans, and the thanksgiving we should give more of for that. You meet your best friends you thought you already had along with realizing people’s true colors. You become thankful for the way you were raised and learn from the experience how you someday might want to raise your own children. Your eyes seem to widen just a tad bit more with each new day. You learn to adapt and adjust to any situation. And finally, you culturally enhance yourself as a person so unbelievably much.

You create new dreams and add on to the ones you’ve already had by just taking the time to soak it all in. Have you ever just sat somewhere you thought you might never have sat before and just soaked in the atmosphere? You don’t have to be in Spain to do it if you haven’t. Try it- try something new- come out of your comfort zone and test the waters. It’s okay to be scared but if you always let that hold you back you will never improve yourself and grow as a person. Just like in language, if you never try to improve, if you never try to speak, if you never fail, you’ll never get anywhere.

You can’t be afraid.

So much of this world is stuck in being afraid. Being afraid of failure, or being afraid to submerge yourself within a completely new atmosphere. Being afraid to walk alone, or being afraid to stand up for what’s right. Being afraid of what other people think, or being afraid of just going with it and trusting that by letting it be God won’t let you fall. I wish I could show the world how I see and that maybe people would get it but that’s also the beauty right? If everything was always perfect we wouldn't have any room to learn on our own- which is probably one of the hardest parts of growing up.

In the past weeks I have eaten a variety of foods, walked a variety of streets, gotten lost a few times, practiced my taxi cab skills, met a surplus of people, stared at my fair share of beautiful soccer players, viewed a mix of historical monuments, learned the true meaning of what it means to sweat, took too many touristic pictures and not enough in the moment pictures, ran not enough, had too many stomach aches from ice cream, more than enough experienced my worst heart burn ever, danced to a mess of music, ripped a skirt busting a move American style, acquired more than enough blisters, used skype way more than normal, slept less than in my entire life, spoke Spanish more than ever, appreciated the little things in life, fallen in love with Spain, and passed for being a Sevillian. Crazy to think all of that has happened in just a couple weeks, and man does time fly.

It seems just yesterday I was sick with strep throat on my birthday flying over to Spain and leaving all I had ever known on the other side of the world. A month later I am still in Spain, living the life, and making my dreams actually come true this time. So many stories to tell, I wish all of you could be here with me to see it for your self. Now that I’m 20, and actually out of my teens legitimately, it may seem weird but I have felt more grown up than ever, like actually a real “adult”.

And once again I have learned that life isn’t always easy and sometimes you have no choice but to stick it out and adapt to the harshness of situations- like this intense situation of school and my intense professora- and let me tell you, its been hard, real hard, but it has pushed me to grow up even that much more and realize once again that life can be so intense and hard sometimes and you just have to learn how to handle and adapt to the situation as best you can. A wise man once told me- anything worth having in life isn’t easy to get- and trust me once again, it’s so true. Because after this trip, I will know the meaning of hard work more than ever and the desire to make it and continue making it through until you fully accomplish and achieve what is worth having. And I challenge you to have that view, it may not always be how you want it, and it may not always be easy but it’s worth it.

To break it down, here’s an overview along with details and stories from the last two weeks. As I’m writing this, I will probably remember more details I want to add so who knows right now how much more you will be reading but bear with me because its awesome.

Just some random thoughts: There’s a picture of my pops and momma above my bed that I get to see every night before I go to bed. I miss them. I live in a small little living quarters but somehow in a sense it’s comfortable, it’s enough to meet my every NEED, not want- but I don’t want anything more so it’s perfect. People in Spain don’t believe in AC- which means YES, I DO NOT have AC. So instead I learned the grace of windows and breezes. I sleep in almost nothing every night- my shorts and sports bra- and haven’t used a blanket or sheet in the past month. I have one rink a dink fan in my room that’s from the 70’s but it’s way better than nothing and sure does feel better than stagnant air instead in my room. Too bad I lost my miniature fan on the way back from Cordoba- now I get to just deal. The weather in Sevilla is EXTREMELY hot. I now dream in Spanish, it’s interesting, and tells me that I’m learning something at least. Sometimes I wake up and ask myself if that really happened and that answer is always YES, that really did just happen. Everyone smokes in Spain, it’s EVERYWHERE. They even have vending machines just for cigarettes. My lungs are dying from the second hand smoke. Candra hates feet. Somehow convinced her to help put my socks on for me since my nails were just freshly painted- captured that moment.

My house mom makes the BEST food mmm LOVE IT. The food here is a lot different than in America, it’s so fresh and delicious. It also contains a lot of acidic products which then in turn gives me lovely heartburn- COOL. Definitely going to miss the food. Although I can’t wait to come home to my real mommas spaghetti and my dad’s hamburgers, along with some good old fashion BBQ! As far as school- it’s EXTREMELY intense.

 In the last WEEK I have had 2 quizzes, a paper, a midterm, and for this next week another 4.5 page paper, and presentation due, along with a final next Friday and that following Monday. Studying for that midterm was crazily stressful. Learn a whole year of Spanish in 2 weeks and test on it then tell me you wouldn’t feel insanely stressed out. I’ve come up with so many dumb songs, acronyms, and sayings to remember all I’ve learned. I was called out as someday making a great kindergarten teacher, little did they know that’s what I'm going to school for. Have no idea why every person that asks what I want to be can just pick out a teacher, its like I'm meant to be a teacher or something. I have learned how to teach myself a language I'm not fluent in real good this summer, a new acquired skill that will most definitely be helpful in the future. Had a celebration for successfully making it through that midterm… it went down.

That was of course after celebrating the 4th of July in Spain earlier in the week- and the next morning being a rough one for Caroline baha- that was an experience. My friend Caroline and I already have a favorite dance spot- Buddah. Love love love going to the discotecas. Its probably one of my absolute favorite things to do here, plus no body busts moves American style so its even better because then you get all these looks like what the heck just happened and its awesome hahah… until you rip a skirt- which I did. What can I say, I have a big butt and tight skirts don’t exactly work best when discoteca-ing, or so I found out. That was a hilarious night. Met a surplus of Law students studying abroad- Candra found her love- or so she thought. Hung out with them a couple times before they departed back to the states, that was fun. I have a favorite Bocadillo restaurant, he practically knows me by name- BEYOND TASTEY. Found out my real momma at home re-did my room so we shall see what it looks like when I get there. Learned that you just don’t go to discotecas in Spain on Saturdays because you will be wasting your time- right Caroline? JAJAJA.

 Had a painting date with my Spanish class… AFTER a long night of the midterm celebration- that was fun waking up to paint at 9… even though I decided to sleep in a little extra and go with the other class oops haha. Everyday I’m shuffling and Danza Kuduro are my jams- don’t ask Caroline and I to show off because we’ll show you up. And you ALWAYS know it’s going to be a good night when you hear Danza Kuduro.

Some place in town has 5-euro mojitos; still have yet to find those. And my other P.I.C. (partner in class) Sam and I always take American songs and make up Spanish versions to them- its legit. I always pass the same guys when I’m running and one of these days I’ll stop to ask their name but until then, I’ll just keep running with my black Nike socks on and my cut off tees. And I know this is a jumbled mess of thoughts and terrible English but that’s what happens when you don’t have the proper time to sit down and write each detail. That sums up just about all my random thoughts.
We have excursions every weekend. So far we’ve only been on 3 BUT another is coming up this weekend and I am so completely excited to go. Our first excursion was to Cordoba, Spain. That was a bright and early morning- bus by 745 am. Ended up sleeping slightly on the bus until I discovered that my seat was infested with ants and that it was beyond impossible to get rid of them because there were so many. You better believe I switched seats on the way home haha. Saw the beautiful Mesquita de Cordoba, which is a Catholic cathedral but used to be a Muslim mosque before the reconquista española.

Realized that my house mom makes a banging bocadillo of ham and cheese. And got to see an old Jewish house filled with history. Moved on to Italica, Spain the next morning at 9 am instead. Italica is filled with ruins. It used to be a town or living area for the retired Spanish soldiers back then and now its just old rocks that all look the same except for the coliseum which almost got us kicked out haha.

Lesson: Don’t ever be an American and climb on the ruins because you think it will make a good picture and hey who ever gets to say they actually climbed on the ruins of Italica… little did we know that the security guard saw the boys and blew his whistle at them- turning on our escape modes, we got down REALLLL quick- having the head guard come get the boys and kick them out hahah. It ended up being hilarious because only the boys got kicked out and the girls got away with it, too bad their only “punishment” was sitting across the street at the local café to drink beer while they waited for us to get done- some “punishment” huh? Other than the rocks, occasional mosaics in the ground, and stray cats that like to follow my friend Christine- who hates cats- Italica was a quick little morning excursion.

This last weekend we went on an excursion to Granada, Spain. After two hours of sleep, that 645 am bus ride was intense. Popped in my headphones and passed out, feet up, and cold AC on, snoozing to some chill music. Pit stop half way through Candra and I found a nice table to lay our heads down on after being kicked off the bus for a break- too bad it smelt terrible like the rest of Spain so we decided to go inside instead and wake up.

Found our way to the hotel room once we got to Granada, although I just crashed the party in Christine, Caroline, and Alexis’ room instead- we had a sleep over to say the least. Toured another Cathedral and lit two candles inside for my grandma Dee and Uncle Brian in heaven.

Toured the Alhambra- the palace of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella back when Christopher Columbus was discovering the Americas- and probably walked over 20 miles solely in there- the palace is HUGE. Took more than enough pictures- go check out my when in Granada album. Dinner break then off to a Flamenco show- man can they move their feet. It was nice to get to experience that- Flamenco is pretty popular in Spain. Headed on the alive at night bus to the center of town while the other bus went back to the hotel. Found the BEST kabob stand ever, it was seriously indescribable. Went bar hoping in Granada with the usual nightlife crew and found a bartender that did card tricks.

After bouncing out because of the constant hitting on Caroline, we headed to the DISCOTECA!! It was fun but I still like my spot in Sevilla better. After a crazy eventful night in the discotecas, walked out to witness a girl straight up BUST it in her heels, face down on the ground, as her friends just watched. I kind of felt bad but just couldn't help to giggle a little; face planting is when you know you’re not adult enough to know when enough is enough. EMBARASSING.

Got home, took a nap in bed, slept on top of my elbows- they definitely hurt real bad when I woke up- toured another Cathedral, went on an extra credit adventure, had to go to a planetarium and all the people I was with just looked at each other and then passed out for a nice 45 min nap haha it was classic. Went for another Kabob run, started my hw in the hotel waiting for the bus, finally got home after 3 hours in an uncomfortable seat, did hw until midnight and then passed out for a early school morning. What a weekend Granada was. Favorite place I’ve been to so far.

Although I really liked Granada, we’re going to Lagos, Portugal this weekend and I couldn’t be more excited!! Everyone that has been here for the whole summer keeps saying that it was their favorite part of the whole miniature summer semester so we shall see how amazing it really is after this upcoming weekend!! Can’t wait to just finally hang out on the beach and relax. You would think that being in Spain you would get real tan but actually being in Spain for me has just made me
white again, I’ve lost a lot of my summer color.

Monday I had a quiz retake- you know me, always trying for better grades. Assigned 6-8 pages of homework but that’s normal for our teacher. Had a journal due and after school stayed to work on our project with Christine and Caroline- my P.I.C.s! Went to the review session for an opportunity for a midterm makeup which is actually really cool, and got recognized for my lame way of using acronyms to remember the irregular verbs haha, my teacher really liked it I guess.

Tuesday came quick enough. All my mornings always consist of early mornings during the week. Learned yet again some more tenses in Spanish. We talk to our tutors everyday in class for practice and I absolutely LOVE one of my tutors. She is so beautiful and cares so much that we learn. Received 4 pages of homework- not bad compared to the usual amount- and didn’t watch the movie in class like we were suppose to but that’s not surprising.

It was Sam’s 21st birthday on Monday so he was a little out of it in class today hahah but straight hilarious. Made up some more songs in class like usual. Class got out early and Cadiz, Spain beach bound Caroline, Christine, and I were!! 2 hour train ride and homework complete we arrived in Cadiz. We creeped on the low on some summer study abroad loves. The beach was NICEEEE. The water was cold. And the soccer boys were so good looking- EVERY SINGLE ONE was cut to the max- unreal. Before we knew it, the time to catch our train arrived and we headed back home to Sevilla. A late dinner that I did not receive, I jumped in the shower and hit the bed.

Today we had class only for 45 minutes and then went on an adventure to a museum in Sevilla. Got done with the museum by 12 and headed home to enjoy the rest of my day. Have tutors tonight at 8, then home for dinner and to get ready for tonight, then off to Alfalfa to celebrate Beto’s- one of our tutors- going away party to America-Lubbock- to teach for 2 years. Tomorrow is the bullfight and we get to go to it! That should be interesting. Friday is LAGOS. Next week is the final, then Candy’s birthday, then off to MADRID for a week before catching my plane back to America. STILL IN SHOCK AT HOW FAST THE TIME IS PASSING AHHH so sad.

I definitely want to live here for 2 years or so after college and I’m going to make it happen. I’ve always dreamed of being in Spain for a while but after this experience, it’s on my to do list.

One of our tutors even told Caroline and I that she would keep an eye out for an apartment for us once we graduate college, so that’s a good sign haha I love it. I know this was long but there's just so much to say. There's SOOOO SO SO much I want to do while I'm young and so many dreams I want to accomplish and make come true. I have a lot of aspirations, and a lot of ambition, and with those combined, anything is possible to accomplish. Watch out world because here I come.

I’m not just living my life; I’m making my life story.

Believe that life is worth living
and your belief will help create the fact.
- William James