Well where do you start when you’ve been swamped with school and exams for the past couple of weeks? Sad that I haven’t had any time whatsoever to blog which is unusual considering I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with it- for all of you followers I’ll try to do better at making more time for both! Instead of trying to explain every day that I have yet to write down, a good ‘ol Gullah of what’s been going on in my life in Spain over the last 2 and a half weeks or so seems like a better idea.
To start- there are far too many people I've met and memories I've made while being here to ever forget. Let it be, its beautiful that way- it's what I preach- if you consider that preaching- and this is most definitely a prime example of the beauty within it. When you let things be you not only experience yourself, you experience the blessings of each day because you become more aware of the apparent beauties. You realize what means the most, what you miss the most, how spoiled we are as Americans, and the thanksgiving we should give more of for that. You meet your best friends you thought you already had along with realizing people’s true colors. You become thankful for the way you were raised and learn from the experience how you someday might want to raise your own children. Your eyes seem to widen just a tad bit more with each new day. You learn to adapt and adjust to any situation. And finally, you culturally enhance yourself as a person so unbelievably much.
You create new dreams and add on to the ones you’ve already had by just taking the time to soak it all in. Have you ever just sat somewhere you thought you might never have sat before and just soaked in the atmosphere? You don’t have to be in Spain to do it if you haven’t. Try it- try something new- come out of your comfort zone and test the waters. It’s okay to be scared but if you always let that hold you back you will never improve yourself and grow as a person. Just like in language, if you never try to improve, if you never try to speak, if you never fail, you’ll never get anywhere.
You can’t be afraid.
So much of this world is stuck in being afraid. Being afraid of failure, or being afraid to submerge yourself within a completely new atmosphere. Being afraid to walk alone, or being afraid to stand up for what’s right. Being afraid of what other people think, or being afraid of just going with it and trusting that by letting it be God won’t let you fall. I wish I could show the world how I see and that maybe people would get it but that’s also the beauty right? If everything was always perfect we wouldn't have any room to learn on our own- which is probably one of the hardest parts of growing up.

It seems just yesterday I was sick with strep throat on my birthday flying over to Spain and leaving all I had ever known on the other side of the world. A month later I am still in Spain, living the life, and making my dreams actually come true this time. So many stories to tell, I wish all of you could be here with me to see it for your self. Now that I’m 20, and actually out of my teens legitimately, it may seem weird but I have felt more grown up than ever, like actually a real “adult”.
And once again I have learned that life isn’t always easy and sometimes you have no choice but to stick it out and adapt to the harshness of situations- like this intense situation of school and my intense professora- and let me tell you, its been hard, real hard, but it has pushed me to grow up even that much more and realize once again that life can be so intense and hard sometimes and you just have to learn how to handle and adapt to the situation as best you can. A wise man once told me- anything worth having in life isn’t easy to get- and trust me once again, it’s so true. Because after this trip, I will know the meaning of hard work more than ever and the desire to make it and continue making it through until you fully accomplish and achieve what is worth having. And I challenge you to have that view, it may not always be how you want it, and it may not always be easy but it’s worth it.

My house mom makes the BEST food mmm LOVE IT. The food here is a lot different than in America, it’s so fresh and delicious. It also contains a lot of acidic products which then in turn gives me lovely heartburn- COOL. Definitely going to miss the food. Although I can’t wait to come home to my real mommas spaghetti and my dad’s hamburgers, along with some good old fashion BBQ! As far as school- it’s EXTREMELY intense.
In the last WEEK I have had 2 quizzes, a paper, a midterm, and for this next week another 4.5 page paper, and presentation due, along with a final next Friday and that following Monday. Studying for that midterm was crazily stressful. Learn a whole year of Spanish in 2 weeks and test on it then tell me you wouldn’t feel insanely stressed out. I’ve come up with so many dumb songs, acronyms, and sayings to remember all I’ve learned. I was called out as someday making a great kindergarten teacher, little did they know that’s what I'm going to school for. Have no idea why every person that asks what I want to be can just pick out a teacher, its like I'm meant to be a teacher or something. I have learned how to teach myself a language I'm not fluent in real good this summer, a new acquired skill that will most definitely be helpful in the future. Had a celebration for successfully making it through that midterm… it went down.
Had a painting date with my Spanish class… AFTER a long night of the midterm celebration- that was fun waking up to paint at 9… even though I decided to sleep in a little extra and go with the other class oops haha. Everyday I’m shuffling and Danza Kuduro are my jams- don’t ask Caroline and I to show off because we’ll show you up. And you ALWAYS know it’s going to be a good night when you hear Danza Kuduro.
Some place in town has 5-euro mojitos; still have yet to find those. And my other P.I.C. (partner in class) Sam and I always take American songs and make up Spanish versions to them- its legit. I always pass the same guys when I’m running and one of these days I’ll stop to ask their name but until then, I’ll just keep running with my black Nike socks on and my cut off tees. And I know this is a jumbled mess of thoughts and terrible English but that’s what happens when you don’t have the proper time to sit down and write each detail. That sums up just about all my random thoughts.
Realized that my house mom makes a banging bocadillo of ham and cheese. And got to see an old Jewish house filled with history. Moved on to Italica, Spain the next morning at 9 am instead. Italica is filled with ruins. It used to be a town or living area for the retired Spanish soldiers back then and now its just old rocks that all look the same except for the coliseum which almost got us kicked out haha.
Lesson: Don’t ever be an American and climb on the ruins because you think it will make a good picture and hey who ever gets to say they actually climbed on the ruins of Italica… little did we know that the security guard saw the boys and blew his whistle at them- turning on our escape modes, we got down REALLLL quick- having the head guard come get the boys and kick them out hahah. It ended up being hilarious because only the boys got kicked out and the girls got away with it, too bad their only “punishment” was sitting across the street at the local café to drink beer while they waited for us to get done- some “punishment” huh? Other than the rocks, occasional mosaics in the ground, and stray cats that like to follow my friend Christine- who hates cats- Italica was a quick little morning excursion.
Found our way to the hotel room once we got to Granada, although I just crashed the party in Christine, Caroline, and Alexis’ room instead- we had a sleep over to say the least. Toured another Cathedral and lit two candles inside for my grandma Dee and Uncle Brian in heaven.
Toured the Alhambra- the palace of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella back when Christopher Columbus was discovering the Americas- and probably walked over 20 miles solely in there- the palace is HUGE. Took more than enough pictures- go check out my when in Granada album. Dinner break then off to a Flamenco show- man can they move their feet. It was nice to get to experience that- Flamenco is pretty popular in Spain. Headed on the alive at night bus to the center of town while the other bus went back to the hotel. Found the BEST kabob stand ever, it was seriously indescribable. Went bar hoping in Granada with the usual nightlife crew and found a bartender that did card tricks.
After bouncing out because of the constant hitting on Caroline, we headed to the DISCOTECA!! It was fun but I still like my spot in Sevilla better. After a crazy eventful night in the discotecas, walked out to witness a girl straight up BUST it in her heels, face down on the ground, as her friends just watched. I kind of felt bad but just couldn't help to giggle a little; face planting is when you know you’re not adult enough to know when enough is enough. EMBARASSING.
Got home, took a nap in bed, slept on top of my elbows- they definitely hurt real bad when I woke up- toured another Cathedral, went on an extra credit adventure, had to go to a planetarium and all the people I was with just looked at each other and then passed out for a nice 45 min nap haha it was classic. Went for another Kabob run, started my hw in the hotel waiting for the bus, finally got home after 3 hours in an uncomfortable seat, did hw until midnight and then passed out for a early school morning. What a weekend Granada was. Favorite place I’ve been to so far.
white again, I’ve lost a lot of my summer color.
Monday I had a quiz retake- you know me, always trying for better grades. Assigned 6-8 pages of homework but that’s normal for our teacher. Had a journal due and after school stayed to work on our project with Christine and Caroline- my P.I.C.s! Went to the review session for an opportunity for a midterm makeup which is actually really cool, and got recognized for my lame way of using acronyms to remember the irregular verbs haha, my teacher really liked it I guess.
Today we had class only for 45 minutes and then went on an adventure to a museum in Sevilla. Got done with the museum by 12 and headed home to enjoy the rest of my day. Have tutors tonight at 8, then home for dinner and to get ready for tonight, then off to Alfalfa to celebrate Beto’s- one of our tutors- going away party to America-Lubbock- to teach for 2 years. Tomorrow is the bullfight and we get to go to it! That should be interesting. Friday is LAGOS. Next week is the final, then Candy’s birthday, then off to MADRID for a week before catching my plane back to America. STILL IN SHOCK AT HOW FAST THE TIME IS PASSING AHHH so sad.

I definitely want to live here for 2 years or so after college and I’m going to make it happen. I’ve always dreamed of being in Spain for a while but after this experience, it’s on my to do list.
One of our tutors even told Caroline and I that she would keep an eye out for an apartment for us once we graduate college, so that’s a good sign haha I love it. I know this was long but there's just so much to say. There's SOOOO SO SO much I want to do while I'm young and so many dreams I want to accomplish and make come true. I have a lot of aspirations, and a lot of ambition, and with those combined, anything is possible to accomplish. Watch out world because here I come.
I definitely want to live here for 2 years or so after college and I’m going to make it happen. I’ve always dreamed of being in Spain for a while but after this experience, it’s on my to do list.
One of our tutors even told Caroline and I that she would keep an eye out for an apartment for us once we graduate college, so that’s a good sign haha I love it. I know this was long but there's just so much to say. There's SOOOO SO SO much I want to do while I'm young and so many dreams I want to accomplish and make come true. I have a lot of aspirations, and a lot of ambition, and with those combined, anything is possible to accomplish. Watch out world because here I come.
Believe that life is worth living
and your belief will help create the fact.
- William James
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