The first day of class is today and I’m nervous to see how much material we can possibly cover in 4 hours.
Skipped the alarm along with the running this morning and casually got in the shower. IT’S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! You know what that means- must look our BEST haha totally kidding. Definitely just threw on a V-neck, shorts, and my chacos and headed out the door. Skipped breakfast- probably shouldn’t eat cereal anyways considering I'm allergic to milk fat and id rather not have a stomach ache all day- and packed a protein lean shake, apple, and snack bar instead- Zachuhryeyuh you’d be so proud.

Met my new classmates and started off what was shorter than I though would be of a day. Too bad tomorrow we have school at 8 am instead of 9- that’s not going to be very fun for me considering I am NOT a morning person what so ever and Christine will probably come in as she always does with her “GOOOOOOD MORNINGGG!!” At least we’ll get out of school earlier.
It’s the first day and we’ve already covered a surplus of information- which means one thing... I ALREADY HAVE A STACK OF NOTECARDS TO STUDY. At least it will be a good means of staying ahead of the pack and not so much of falling behind- which I cannot do. I would like to see an A please on my transcript.
Snack break and we hit up the super market for some goodies. I didn’t wash my apple so I hope I don’t get some strange disease- shoot I've already had enough strange diseases so far this trip I don’t need any more.

Since class is so dang early tomorrow I should probably be productive with my time. Planning on studying my flash cards, blogging- obviously, going for a run, eating dinner, shower, and chillaxing for bed- just incase you wanted to know every detail of my schedule. If you couldn’t tell, I'm a very detail oriented person.
And on the Brightside- found out Caroline started a blog!- after giving me such a hard time for blogging my life away- because she was inspired by me, how sweet haha. I knew it would happen- you’re so gonna get addicted.
It’s only my dream to be here and learn so I best make the most of it. Do Not let others define you- but instead make your dreams your own. My Dad is probably one of the wisest men I know and I couldn’t be more thankful for him or little lessons like these. Appreciate the little things given to you in life. Whether it’s a person or object, always be grateful and cherish the meaning of it. Love from your heart no matter what always but also know when to stand up for yourself.
It's make a difference Monday so go out and make a difference.
Loving is the most unmitigated and courageous act I perform in a day.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
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