A 6 Euro cab ride, arm full of luggage, train check in, and 3 hours later I am FINALLY in Barcelona! Was going to write my blog on the train but instead passed out from exhaustion. I feel like I’ve just been going, going, and going and I want to rest but then that thought of “when are you ever going to be in Spain again” goes through my head and I think to myself- well, I can always sleep later- I have the rest of my life to do that.
I’m not sure whether it will be 2 years, 10 years, or 50 until I come back but I would love to more than anything just live here for a couple years while I’m young. I think while we have so much energy and dreams and so much life ahead of us its good to experience different lifestyles and just get up and go. I’m not saying I’d want to live here forever but having a few years of cultural diversity under my belt would definitely be worth it.
They say traveling, and studying abroad, and doing things like this change your life- but you never believe it until you actually experience it. My life has been changed that’s for sure. Not that I’m any different as a physical person, but to say the least my knowledge and cultural enhancement has been ENHANCED.
Taking a step back and looking at the day- I woke up again, completely exhausted, and packed my stuff for the train ride to Barcelona. I swear- I should have listened to my professors when they said take half the stuff out of your suitcase when you pack it because you’re seriously not going to need it. Yeah, maybe I am going to need all this stuff in Seville but DANG, right now, carrying all this heavy crap with me to wherever we go is just a pain in the freaking butt. After carrying all of my stuff to the train station and successfully getting on the train, I got situated to write the rest of my blog and then passed out hardcore. This time, I was the one to take the nap instead of Candra and that’s a record. As we put all of our stuff away we received headphones to watch the movie but I jacked those suckers and listened to some good ol Dave’s again while I slept. Yes, pointless you can say to listen to music while you sleep because you really aren’t listening I know but Dave’s is always a good way to relax- even if you’re sleeping- plus it drowns out the noise.
After paying for our MOST EXPENSIVE MEAL this entire trip, Candra and I went for a little adventure to find our favorite store- El Corte Ingles. Had to get some new hairspray and what not because you know Candra so casually dropped hers down 4 stories haha. You can seriously find anything and everything in these- It’s like Macy’s on roids.
Went on with our day, tested out the ice cream- or sorbet for me- and it was delicious as usual. I really need to stop eating it, I’m gonna gain like 20 pounds by the end- which is NOT going to happen but you get the point. Came home to the hostel to change and then out to dinner. In the midst of that- took a quick nap, skyped, and facebook creeped. Went out for dinner, met two guys and a girl- who are beautiful- that came to Barcelona on a surfing trip and just decided to stay and never go back- LEGIT. I love that. I think its so great to just LIVE- like who would really do that- hardly no one- but if you have enough ambition, guts, and love it’s perfect. SO GONNA DO IT- WATCH. Met some more people- who gave us a free ticket to get into Opiummar which is an EXTREMELY nice club on the beach that costs 20 euros alone to get in- that’s expensive. Too bad by the time we got ready, and took a cab there, they wouldn’t let us in. But you know, being the people Candra and I are, we went to the other side, met the bouncer not on duty tonight, and got the hookup. Didn’t have to pay at all to get into TWO clubs- it was real fun. Real interesting guy- first his name was Check- that’s interesting and second he was from Paris but lived in Barcelona to work- that’s even better. Candra and I pretty much had our own body guard all night long- I felt like an important person. On a side note: I really don’t like when little short stack creeps that I’m like twice their size grab Candra and try to pick her up and take pictures with her because of her blonde hair- like who does that freaks? All I’m saying is they better check their selves or I’ll do the honors of wreckin- no joke.
And if you didn’t already know- can I just tell you how much I ABSOLUTELY LOVE dancing and music? Because I absolutely love it. I’m not sure why or how I love it so much but it’s probably my favorite thing to do- maybe I got that from my mom. Oh and p.s.- if they weren’t already obsessed enough with America- they play pretty much all the AMERICAN music we like in every club which is even better. Although- I do have my favorite Spanish club songs already!
And as I lay here and look back on today, I am again so thankful for the many opportunities and blessings I continuously find in my life due to my faith, family, and hard work. It’s so easy to just take advantage of every new day but I challenge you to really just soak up every new day for all that it is. Pick out 3 things you want to give or see out of that day and make it happen. Look back on the joys that happened within that day even if its something as small as missing someone and the thought of missing him or her that popped into your head- that’s a joy. Then of course let them know because that’s always nice and it’s never a bad time to let someone know how much you care- no matter how far away you are.
As we light a path for others, we naturally light our own way.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
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