Last night was the first night I haven’t come home to a freaking crazy party outside our hostel and actually got a decent sleep- until the church bells did their trick in waking us up. I don’t know why but I wish I would have known before booking the hostel that 1) they don’t believe in slash don’t have air conditioning 2) that we going to have to carry our luggage up 6 flights of stairs 3) that the church bells are a natural alarm clock RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR WINDOW and 4) this are was the place to be for fiestas because I swear every night I end up thinking to myself- what Is seriously going on?! Spain must just really like to celebrate and party for everything todos los dias!!
Walked to the bus station just down the road to get on número dos por la playa. The goal for the day: try to see how many people we can get to play back with us. We just said hi to anyone and everyone who looked our way haha I mean if they’re already going to look at us- which without doubt they do every minute of the day like we’re creatures or something- then why not get a few laughs in?! So we did. Made some legendary raps on the bus- even recorded it. Obviously I'm all about documentary this trip- you only live once so why not make the best of it and make sure to record it along the way so you can look back on all the memories. It seems logical to me. From the bus we walked to the usual pit stop- the Super Mercado. And did you know that its called “Alle syed” as in “Ali said” haha get it? I thought that was clever. Met up with Ryan, James, and Oscar on the beach- our American (well Ryan and James I guess) friends- and had ourselves a nice little day. Was dying to play some sand volleyball but we got football instead- that works too.
I swear- I don’t know what is up with the people here but some of them just have the weirdest style ever. I just don’t get why shaving your head and leaving a patch of dreads in the back is attractive? I am in Europe after all. Along with all the topless women and dreaded people on the beach there are children running around everywhere, and a good selection of Spaniards to look at. And don’t think the children wont approach you in the water and grab your butt because by all means they are not scared to do so. Haha all Candra and I wanted was a nice cool off in the water but instead all we got was a pretty funny story- it’s kind of one of those you have to be there to think its hilarious stories but here it is anyways. These two little brats and their older brother were just chillen in the water along with Candra and I a little in front of them. Well the smallest child- probably around the age of 7- grabbed Candra's butt. So naturally thinking it was an accident she said “bueno” as in its all good. He did it two more times after that- which I think he though we thought it was funny because we were dying laughing, it was uncontrollable. A mix of huge waves rocking us everywhere, little boys grabbing Candra's butt and salt water in our mouths was hilarious to us. THIS LITTLE BRATTY BOY CHASED US. So here we are 20 year olds getting chased in the water by a 7 year old- classic. It was like a game of unwanted tag in the ocean- keep in mind he asked us if we had boyfriends… are you kidding me?!- What is wrong with this child. And to end it all- the grand finale- it wasn’t just Candra's butt he wanted to grab. He straight tackled me in attempts of pulling off my bottoms and grabbed my crotch- COOL… NOT. I don’t know if he thought that he could successfully pull off my bottoms but I'm like twice this little kids size so of course its not going to work haha. And totally clueless that he was about to straight full on tackle me- as I was just trying to get the hell away from him, laughing my butt off- he tackled me pretty much into the ground of the shallow part of the ocean as I drank a gallon of salt water- thank you SO much little brat. It was the craziest thing and he is by far going to be the biggest perv when he gets older shoot.
The sun was overcast at first and a little hotter today. I put sun block on my shoulders and face and what not 4 times and for some reason today of all the days I got toasted- SWEET. The Argentineans were supposed to be at the beach today too but we didn’t see them ALL day until Ryan and Oscar were leaving and they happened to walk by. Can you say perfect timing? We got to see our friends again yay! They are so good looking its unreal- and let me tell you, they have the most beautiful eyes. We spent about an hour or so with them just hanging out and having conversation and then we sadly said goodbye because Candra and I were hungry- but before we went, we made SURE to get a picture! Too bad I don’t live here. I could really dig this lifestyle.
Off on a mission for a shower, nap, and dinner, we headed for the hostel. I blogged, Candra slept, and 2 hours later we went to the center to find a place to eat. After sitting down twice at two different places, the third time was the charm and we found the right food. What’d I tell you about the number 3- always a good sign. I ate a delicious meal of pasta and met a crazy French/Spanish guy who ended up sitting with us while we ate dinner haha just to talk to us. He was actually pretty fluent in English and he only knew it from watching English movies and playing video games hahahaha GO FIGURE. Super intelligent guy- makes bank off creating or designing websites. Also ended up seeing more Germans that Candra met the other night- not the same old creepy ones as before- and sparked a conversation. On a side note: Germans think Americans are dumb. But I of course made sure to prove that wrong- and I did haha. I am now home, burnt to a crisp, full as no other, and tired to the max. So glad I got to finally skype my family after 3 days of not at all- love you mom and dad so much and I wish I could be there to watch you play bud but know I love you and am supporting all the way from Spain. Miss you John if you’re reading this and wish you were home more so I could see your face with everyone else. Leaving Valencia in the morning and heading to Barcelona for a new life experience! Cheetah girls get ready- I’m about to top your Disney movie. And don’t worry Chana- ill take plenty of cheetah girl pictures just for you ;) hahah I love you and I’ll be thinking of you while I'm here- wish you could be with me BUT DON’T WORRY, we’ll go again someday- no but seriously. What a crazy beautiful life- I love it. Love and miss yall all so much and only hope the best for everyone back home. As for me, I’ll just be accomplishing dreams over here.
Oh and p.s. HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the wonderful hardworking, supportive, loving fathers out there, including the best- MINE <3 I love you daddy.
Oh and p.s. HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the wonderful hardworking, supportive, loving fathers out there, including the best- MINE <3 I love you daddy.
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
- Lao Tzu
Sounds like you're having a blast! Stay safe and embrace the experience, which I am sure you are! ;-)