What a Wednesday it has been. From waking up to living it up and really just taking every moment for what it is has been great. Cannot believe that already tomorrow we will be leaving for Sevilla and saying goodbye to the wonderful city of Barcelona. It our last day here so here goes nothing!
Waking up wasn’t half bad this morning- considering we slept in til 3 pm haha. We planned on getting up and going to the beach around 12 but obviously that didn’t happen- so 3pm it was. Decided to eat a nice little lunch at a place called American Soda, but to be honest it wasn’t all that great and way over priced- along with everything else in Barcelona. While we were eating we saw a girl getting arrested outside our window and on top of that two men we’re getting questioned and what not about selling stuff on the streets- which is illegal- and then, the policia took their inventory. The police here are SO intense and those guys were slightly pissed. Finished our lunch and headed out the door down to the beach.
Since the money just goes like crazy- no matter how hard you try to budget- we decided that we were just going to walk all the way down to the beach because it really wasn’t that far of a walk. About 15 or so min later we had arrived at the beach! Took a stroll a few meters down from where we first came out to and found a nice little spot next to nothing special. Keep in mind this was around 5 ish when we finally got there- oops. There was a guy on the beach- straight crazy- selling donuts. And you wanna know how he was selling donuts? He was balancing the tray on his head while spinning and running around, hitting a small triangular bell, and singing whatever he was making up in that mind of his- was a great sight to see that’s for sure.
The water is beautiful and feels so good when you get in. I still thought that the water was going to be more of a bright blue color but it’s actually a darker blue color like every other beach- just without all the nasty junk in the water and seaweed. We sat out to tan for a bit- trying to ignore the many “vendors” bothering us to buy their stuff- and ended up running into our friends from last night at Boulevard- Arturo and Marc. Since it was already getting late, we didn’t get to spend that much time with them but we did chit chat for a while and actually got in the water for a good 20 at least. The water here is SO COLD it takes a little time to get used to but then your body adjusts and everything else becomes so hot. Oh how I'm going to miss the many friends we’ve met and hung out with this trip- I wish they could all come back to America and just live around the same area as me.
From the beach we took a stroll to some Italian restaurant but instead of eating just said chao to the boys and headed to the taxi’s in order to take us to our FREE dinner meal- only one catch- you have to buy a drink to get the free dinner- how gay. So we made it to the restaurant by 815, sat down, and no one came for like 20 minutes to serve us. I always feel like an idiot when we go eat because first it’s a gamble as to what you’re going to get on the menu and second the way places to eat work here vary so much within a couple of feet that you never know whether to order at the bar, sit and wait to be served, seat yourself, etc. And if you do it wrong you just feel straight stupid- but to be honest it’s not like they can’t tell we’re not from here so it doesn’t exactly bother me because how are we suppose to know. When we were finally seated though and order placed- which was the plate of the day because it was free- we had to order our drink. Candra and I looked at the menu and decided on something fruity with strawberries, apples, and oranges I think but what we got WAS BEYOND disgusting to the point we could not even drink it. I don’t exactly know what they brought us but it seriously tasted like rubbing alcohol. The first sip was almost unison in reaction between Candra and I- THAT BAD. The food wasn’t anything special either- cold pasta with cold meat sauce- and when we got the chance to finally pay for our disgusting drink- after we stood at the bar waiting for 10 minutes with no one else around- we left and headed for home.
ARCO youth hostel we arrived again and some alone time it was for an hour. I blogged- Candra chose to nap- and everyone else in the room did their own thing. 10 pm hit, we jumped in the shower, put our nightlife clothes on, and headed out the door for another adventure in the great city of Barcelona. Tonight we went on the exact same bar crawl as last night only this time with different people. Met two Canadians- Trina and Sarina- who are cousins and made our last night in Barcelona count. Trina is from Canada but the cool thing is she works for and English school in Sweden so obviously she lives there and to me that is just so mind boggling cool. Sarina came to visit Trina- what a good cousin- and now they’re in Europe just backpacking- who doesn’t want to do that? Met some German girls as well in one of the bars called Tequila’s- which totally smelt like 300 cats peed in there and left- sick nasty. It’s crazy how many people you meet and how everyone is from all over the world but how we’re all so much the same.
After getting water almost dumped completely on our heads from the locals that live up above in the streets, and using my directionally talented skills to leave “City Hall”- because it was terrible- and go back to “Boulevard” for another memorable night- because it’s that legit- we managed to have a blast and plan on making the memories last haha. Too bad I don’t pay enough attention when walking down the street though and somehow step on packing plastic and gash my foot- in my Steve’s- so that blood gets everywhere- but you know that doesn’t stop us from conquering our ambitions. On a side note: I told plenty of vendors to stop asking me to buy stuff because I didn’t want any of it. You have no idea how annoying it gets- especially after 10 days of already being here. You will be eating a nice meal, enjoying company, and they will come up to you WHILE YOU’RE EATING and interrupt you to ask if you want to buy a half dead rose for 5 euros. Haha NO I DON’T WANT YOUR HALF DEAD ROSE- RUDE.
It’s terribly late and I need to charge this bad boy before getting on the long train ride tomorrow- need some blog juice with some tunes to sit that one out. I believe our train ride to Madrid is 3 hours and then to Sevilla its 3 more hours so a total of 6 hours together. DANG- I’m gonna feel like I’m making that miserable drive to Lubbock from Austin again. Love and miss everyone!
Life may not be the party we hoped for
but while we are here we might as well dance.
- Anonymous
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