If I could give a few tips learned from the day I’d have to start with, don’t forget to never wear pants in 100 plus degree weather. You will feel like you’re living in a sauna and you will have sweat uncomfortably on your body. Second, don’t forget to turn your map right side up so that you don’t walk the opposite direction for 20 min to end up realizing your no where close. But do take random paths because they might just lead you somewhere cool- like the Templo de Debod. Third, explore the parks because they are so interesting and take stupid pictures because it’s fun. Fourth, don’t stand behind a cut out bullfighter and señorita for a picture thinking it’s cool because really, a lady will pop out two minutes later and charge you a euro because you did. Fifth, don’t be afraid to make new friends. If I would have never been open to speaking with people, I would have never had the opportunity to explore the different cultures within the Madrid culture, and I would have never had the chance to just genuinely hang out with a variety of people in the city all together. It’s life experiences that help shape and mold us to what we are today so let yourself be the wet clay and start to molding.
This is one of the best memories in my lifetime so far and if you EVER get the chance to go to Madrid- DO IT! You will love that decision for the rest of your life. In the past 3 days my Spanish has legitly gone from okay to better… in JUST 3 DAYS. I can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like after a long month of being submerged in it. Here in Madrid everyone loves Americans. They always want to talk to us, look at us, be around us- they think it’s the coolest thing ever that we’re American… not that we’re displaying/announcing that or anything. The people are so nice and really it’s a pretty safe place to be. Besides all the homeless people, gypsies, and beggars on the streets, it really is perfectly safe. It’s so scary at first yes because you have no idea the environment, have no clue what the streets are, and obviously you’re not very familiar with your surroundings yet- but give it a day and you feel like you could live there. There are two things I have noticed the most out of Madrid. One: There are so many police within the city just on a regular basis compared to America and Two: I’ve never heard so many sirens throughout the day/night in one city constantly. And on a side note- Madrid is the 2nd most populated gay city in the world- which I was informed of by a native from Madrid- so it’s been interesting to people watch on the streets.
Today was perhaps the longest day ever, but it was the longest brilliant day ever. Woke up around 11, ate breakfast at the hostel, took a shower and put some clean clothes on- pretty typical. Did some more walking around and touristic scene things. Decided to wear my new European pants but as I said earlier that was a pretty stupid decision of me. Walked all the way down to the so called “Cathedral” only to find out that I of course had read the map wrong but does that surprise you? Didn’t think so. So after sweating beyond point of return we had to take a breather in the shade on a sketchy park bench. I’m not quite sure if graffiti is legal or not over here but it’s everywhere, and when I mean everywhere, I mean even on the trees. Took a different path than planned for but hey that’s okay, and ended up finding some really neat treasures. Ran into a model posing in the park- she must have been so heated wearing those expensive furs in 110-degree weather. I would want to die if I was the one who had to wear all those fancy clothes in this weather. Couldn’t stand the heat anymore so we headed back to Palacio Real walking about 7mph, which is pretty fast for walking. Sometimes I forget that you know I’m not this small short legged woman and that I actually have daddy long legs so when I decided to walk faster than I already do, it’s like sprinting for everyone else. Poor Candra- at least we’re getting one hell of a leg workout while we’re over here! Ate at a nice restaurant called Sabatini I believe. I finally got to try out the Tapas- which I guess I didn’t really know what they were, but they tasted great- and Candra had good ol spaghetti. I ordered a bottle of water, you know botella de auga, and ended up with the mouth watering 4 Euro costing carbonated mineral water in a glass bottle- charged and everything. In case you didn’t already know what that was don’t worry about it- SICK NASTY. Made it through the Madrid desert to SIESTA and had a niceeee 3 hour nap, I did not want to wake up but you know, we had things to do being our last day and all. Was not feeling so hot after waking up, although I did skype a couple of people including my parents, which was refreshing. SKYPE ME IF YOU HAVE IT!! I would love to see anyone and everyone’s face all the way from Spain!
It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows.
- Epictetus
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