What another beautiful day we’ve been given. I feel like I start a lot of my blogs like this but seriously each day is just so beautiful. Feeling slightly better which is a good sign. Woke up early to take a shower but Candra beat me to it- decided I’d just have to sleep a little longer then haha. Breakfast this morning was delicious- same as yesterday but had an egg and bacon sandwich instead of nutella.
In the lobby I anxiously waited for my family to arrive. Found out that our house mom loves to have girls- the reason being because she likes to go shopping and is a little on the younger side- that’s a plus. Also found out that her son- who our instructor said was 24 and an artist- usually comes to pick us up because the mom works normally til 3. Needless to say, Candra was excited until he walked through the door and wasn’t to her liking haha. His name is Ale- short for Alejandro- pronounced “Ali”- looks like there’s going to be two Ali’s in the house for a month- this could get confusing.
Had to walk from the hotel all the way to one of the main streets only to cross, drop our luggage off, and walk some more. Since most Europeans use mopeds and since there are so many tiny one-way streets here- even if you’ve lived in Sevilla your whole life- unless you’re professional at driving, you don’t know how to get around haha hence why we had to walk a mile with our 80lbs in luggage.
Come to find out our apartment is the closest to the TTU center out of all the houses, which means I’ll be walking everyday! Maybe not during lunch considering it will be 120 plus degrees but definitely in the morning. I'm going to burn so many calories in this next month just from walking its unreal- maybe it will cancel out all the dang bread they feed you here- they’re bread fanatics and I could see why- made fresh daily.
After successfully getting our luggage up to the apartment, we got the low down on rules- which there are hardly any- and way of life then got the chance to finally unpack. I am so sick of living out of a suitcase its crazy how thankful I am to see a set of dresser drawers. Not much room in those bad boys though.
It’s not as hot as I thought it would be without AC but we’re defiantly going to need another fan. Siesta for Candra and some alone/thinking time for me, we waited for lunch. I actually pulled out my verb list and took advantage of the study time. And I am so thankful our family is more on the modern side because we have high-speed internet- where as a lot of other familias don’t- HALLELUJAH!
Our house mama is so sweet. Since we have been traveling for 10 days before actually arriving here, Candra and I have a nice sum of laundry. Usually laundry days aren’t but every Saturday- because its not like laundry in the US, you actually have to hang dry and iron your clothes here- but she so graciously took our laundry and is going to do it for us.
A call for lunch and it was spaghetti- another more modern dish for Spain- along with bread of course, water, and watermelon for dessert. I LOVE WATERMELLON mmm. Completely full Candra and I asked for our keys- and after an explanation of what is what and how everything works- we headed out the door to get a phone and a fan from of course take a guess… El Corte Ingles haha. Only to realize that we had been walking the wrong way for the past 10-15 minutes- COOL. So instead we stopped at an ice cream shop- Candra got her usual chocolate and strawberry ice cream and I just stuck to a big 1.5 L bottle of water. That’s one thing I do love also about Spain- their normal bottles of water are usually our HUGE bottles of water in the states- but its good for me because I absolutely LOVE water. I'm practically a fish, or so Candra says- don’t ask why I drink so much water because I couldn’t tell you.
The night is still young and dinner is a couple hours away. Thinking I'm gonna study some more verbs sometime between now and dinner, maybe skype my parentals if they’d actually get on, and take a quick run- gotta stay in shape with all this bread floating around.
School is early tomorrow so an early departure into the ZzZ’s tonight is on the list- I know Candra will be happy about that one.
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
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